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WEEKLY RECAP: September 29 to October 5

By Matt Strauser

The debate: Both sides claim victory, as we should expect, but let’s take a look at the factual accuracy of some of Governor Romney’s claims.

Romney’s misleading claims from the debate: 

  • President Obama cuts $716 billion from Medicare: Obamacare does cut money from Medicare, but those cuts come from reducing payments to insurance companies and providers—not from Granny’s pocket.
  • Romney’s tax plan would not usher in lower tax rates for the wealthy: The non-partisan Tax Policy Center takes issue with this claim. Romney plans on “lowering rates and broadening the base,” a point which he repeated again and again during the debate. He said that he would make the plan revenue-neutral by closing tax loopholes. However, as the President explained, only closing loopholes that assist the wealthy will not suffice in making Romney’s plan revenue-neutral. Therefore, taxes will be raised on those making between $100-200k. Moreover, Governor Romney still refuses to say which loopholes he plans to eliminate.
  • “23 million are out of work”: This is not just the number out of work: it also includes those who work part-time and want full-time work—and those who stopped looking for work because they returned to school or retired early.

Read more HERE.

Three top stories from the week:

  • Libya: The United States has pulled all government personnel out of Libya in response to the terrorist attacks that resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens. Going forward, we will see how Libya, and foreign policy more broadly, affect the race. Read more
  • Afghanistan: US deaths have reached 2,000—a stark reminder of the human costs of this long war and the caution that we must take before entering another. Read more
  • Polls: Despite large Obama leads among women and Latino voters, polls are tightening. However, the American public has started to believe that the economy is recovering—a promising sign for the President. Read more

Where were the candidates campaigning?

Obama/Biden: Las Vegas, NV; Denver, CO; Ft. Meyers, FL; Charlotte, NC; Asheville, NC; Council Bluffs, IA

Romney/Ryan: Denver, CO; Fisherville, VA; Clinton, IA