On Friday, October 7th, we were kindly welcomed into the office of Associate Research Fellow Benjamin Bradlow, a progressive faculty member in the Sociology Department…
At the end of May, Princeton had its first Reunions in two years since COVID caused the event to be canceled, bringing together multiple generations…
President of the Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP), Eric Periman, talks about the high points of PCP’s successful campaign to pass a USG referendum calling…
To start, could you talk about the mission of the Princeton College Democrats and what work you’re engaging in on campus? Our tagline is “bring…
What are the goals of the Princeton Committee on Palestine? What work does the Committee engage in on campus? The Princeton Committee on Palestine has…
Could you talk about the mission of Divest Princeton? What actions have you engaged in on campus? Divest Princeton’s mission is very simple: we want…
"There hasn't been an investment in evidence-based drug treatment, there hasn't been an investment in harm reduction services."
We collect as much as we can, like the shards and the bits and the pieces, and we create a collective portrait or project. And out of that, we get a picture of what an experience might have been.
Baldwin takes seriously the Socratic dictum that the unexamined life is not worth living. And he holds the view, at least I attribute this to him, that the messiness of the world is actually a reflection of the messiness of our interior lives.
Matthew Karp is an associate professor of history at Princeton, specializing in the politics of the Civil War era. During this primary season, he has…